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Payloads in cosmwasm are typically snake_case, I am seeing that in the transaction details and in the return responses the...
"I have been working on send 1 INIT to another L1 address task for the past two days, but it's not getting done. I think there...
Updating XP information is currently delayed. Please check again later. face this problem last 2 days.
Transaction ID DF8F2E6F38EFD2E2DBECFB9D1A15B6326BE2B1051E8AFA1C3779E1F27E4B4BD1
Where can I find a description of all kinds of Messages, I'm especially interested in the meaning of "Execute bond"?
Good day, i transfer from compass wallet to my binance account but i forgot to put memo. please check my transaction hash...
can i return the money
Getting invalid address for both execute or query contracts. sample ca:...
Не пришли средства на кошельк trust wallet