It's not possible to sign a transcaction with hardware wallet via seiscan if getOfflineSignerAuto function isn't integrated.
12/11/2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Rodrigo Bertolotti
Good morning, since yesterday the sei tokens won't drop, I sent them from binance to compass and it didn't appear, it was complete on bianace, but on seiscam the tokens appear as supported assets, and when I go to staking it appears, but not on compass, what do I do?? ? Thanks
I'm also trying to claim my badcoin drop. Please add Ledger signing. I'm with Tung Dinh on this, I would gladly donate if you can get this done before block 6000000 on Neutron. Here's my atom address. please request from that. I can send whatever coin you need. Please and thank you cosmos1qhmh68tw2ezmu5nvt5fzx0ctwkglfex43rl5lq
I've connected my wallet via Keplr with ledger, and i'm attempting the badcoin claim, also i've structured the JSON correctly (checked multiple times).
I keep on getting this message. How do I increase the gas? Can't see any options. Keep getting the following message: Query failed with (6): rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error parsing into type cw20_merkle_airdrop::msg::ExecuteMsg: Invalid type: execute wasm contract failed [CosmWasm/wasmd@v0.45.0/x/wasm/keeper/keeper.go:400] With gas wanted: '30000000' and gas used: '102279' : unknown request
Activity Newest / Oldest
Rodrigo Bertolotti
Good morning, since yesterday the sei tokens won't drop, I sent them from binance to compass and it didn't appear, it was complete on bianace, but on seiscam the tokens appear as supported assets, and when I go to staking it appears, but not on compass, what do I do?? ? Thanks
Unable to claim Badkids drop with ledger also...
Any update?
I'm also trying to claim my badcoin drop. Please add Ledger signing. I'm with Tung Dinh on this, I would gladly donate if you can get this done before block 6000000 on Neutron. Here's my atom address. please request from that. I can send whatever coin you need. Please and thank you cosmos1qhmh68tw2ezmu5nvt5fzx0ctwkglfex43rl5lq
Just read Tungs post. Have the same problem claiming badcoin drop. Do note before block 6000000 refers to Neutron :-)
Status changed to: Planned
keplr says: Error: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT can't be signed on Ledger
Tung Dinh
guys ! would love to donate if there is a fix for this before block 6000000
huli lin
Anon Anon
I've connected my wallet via Keplr with ledger, and i'm attempting the badcoin claim, also i've structured the JSON correctly (checked multiple times).
I keep on getting this message. How do I increase the gas? Can't see any options. Keep getting the following message: Query failed with (6): rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error parsing into type cw20_merkle_airdrop::msg::ExecuteMsg: Invalid type: execute wasm contract failed [CosmWasm/wasmd@v0.45.0/x/wasm/keeper/keeper.go:400] With gas wanted: '30000000' and gas used: '102279' : unknown request
Unable to sign with Ledger
hello i am trying to execute a contract on Celtatone (to claim Badkids Coin) using ledger but I get an issue attaches as a photo. Please Assist
Tung Dinh
same problem !
keplr says: Error: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT can't be signed on Ledger. I think this is because you're using the wrong version of the ledger library